APPLICATION NAME & ABOUT : UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) Present Aadhar Card ( AAM AADMI KA ADHIKAR OR MY AADHAR) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA started this ID in 2009 to give Unique Identification for every Indian Citizens. Now a days this ID is compulsory to get benefit of Government services, scheme like Ration Card, Opening Bank Account, Government Job( Sarkari Naukari) Apply for any ID( Voter Id, DL, Passport PAN card etc.) To get Admission in school, College, University. See all the details below.
AADHAR CARD-2025Important Dates, Fee & Age Limit |
Important Dates- Aadhar Card started In 2009.
- No Last Date Mention by UIDAI and Government Of India
| Fee- Demographic Update : 50/
- PVC Card Order : 50/
- Biometric Update : 100/-
- Aadhar Enrollment : 0/
- Appointment Fees : 0/-
- Pay the Exam Fee Through Aadhar Enrollment / Seva Kendra / CSC Center or Pay online for E services Only.
| Age Limit- Minimum Age: 0 year
- Maximum Age: Not Mention
AADHAR CARD-2025Documents Required |
Photo ID : Voter ID , Ration Card, Passport, DL ( Driving License) or other issued by State or central Govt. etc. DOB ID : Birth Certificate Passport, Photo ID card having Date of Birth, PAN Card, Marksheet, or other issued by State or central Govt etc. Address ID: Voter ID , Ration Card, Passport, DL ( Driving License) or other issued by State or central Govt. etc. |
AADHAR CARD-2025 Update and Correction |
- To Update and Correction anything in AADHAR will be done by CSC center, Post office, Bank or where the camp located by UIADAI . it can not done by himself .and Also the fee which is prescribed by UIDAI will have to be paid.
- UIDAI has also given the facility of making corrections in the Aadhar card or online appointment for new Aadhar card enrollment, (correction , update, etc) with the help of which you can get your work done without waiting in line.
What is PVC Aadhar?- PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) Aadhar is a Physical Card Same like ATM Card. It is easy to carry, Micro text, Secure QR, Better Picture Clarity , Hologram, Guilloche Pattern and looks professional.
- You can Order it Online and It will reach you after the complete Process.
- Click on link (Given Below) On PVC Aadhar and complete the Process and pay Rs.50/-
What is E-AADHAR?- E-Aadhaar is a digital version of the Aadhaar card issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). It is a password-protected electronic document that can be downloaded from the UIDAI website. E-Aadhaar is legally valid and serves as proof of identity and address, just like the physical Aadhaar card. The document is secured with a password, which is the first four letters of the holder’s name in CAPITAL letters and the year of birth (YYYY).

How to Download E-AADHAR? - To Download E-AADHAR Click on Link Given Below link follow the instruction pay fee and download your e-Aadhar card..
What is the Password of E-AADHAR? - To open E-AADHAR Your Mobile Number must be linked with your AADHAR.
- The Password will be of your E-AADHAR is your first 4 letter of your name and year of Birth
- Example- if your name is SACHIN and year of Birth is 2000 your password will be SACH2000.